Death of a President
[September 30, 2006 12:45am]
From IONCINEMA comes the poster for the controversial mockumentary Death of a President. It uses the most widely seen assassination image from the film's publicity but wisely crops it enough so that we don't get a clear look at the victim.

Happy Feet Banners, Open Season, El Cantante

[September 28, 2006 7:45pm]
From movieweb comes four character banners for Happy Feet. [Thanks to Luis for passing them along.] Next, from SneakPoint comes a Dutch poster for Open Season. (Pretty similar to the first poster but with a different background.) Also, from Empire Movies comes a low quality look at the film festival poster for El Cantante.

Last Kiss, Severance, Lotsa French Posters

[September 28, 2006 7:45pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the UK quad for The Last Kiss. Also, we have a small image of the rather hilarious quad for Severence. [Thanks to Gianluca for the heads up.] Finally, if you have an interest in French films, we have just added quite a number of posters to the France section so you may wish to check them out.

Poltergay, Paprika

[September 27, 2006 11:55am]
Thanks to dvdrama for passing along the poster for the French film Poltergay. Also, we have the one sheet for the anime film Paprika.

Goya's Ghosts

[September 27, 2006 11:55am]
From Carteles De Cine comes the poster for Milos Forman's Goya's Ghosts. [Thanks to Luis for the heads up.]

Home of the Brave

[September 25, 2006 4:50pm]
Just added the new poster for Home of the Brave.


[September 25, 2006 2:30pm]
Today we have a new poster for Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. [NOTE: We took down the teaser poster for Shrek the Third after being told it is not the finalized version.]

Hurricane on the Bayou, Int'l Night Listener

[September 25, 2006 1:20pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along a poster for the documentary Hurricane on the Bayou as well as the UK poster for The Night Listener.

The Stone Council

[September 24, 2006 1:05pm]
Thanks to Wlad for passing along the striking poster for the French film The Stone Council.

Driving Lessons, Puccini for Beginners

[September 22, 2006 7:45pm]
From IONCINEMA and comes the new poster for Driving Lessons. Also, we have the poster for Puccini for Beginners.

The Good Night, The Rat Thing

[September 22, 2006 3:20pm]
Today we have four character posters for The Good Night, made up of the four images from the original poster. Also, we have the one sheet for The Rat Thing.

Recognizing Saints, Snow Cake

[September 22, 2006 12:15pm]
From Jump Street Films comes the Australian poster for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. Also, from comes another poster for Snow Cake. [Thanks to Luis for passing it along.]

Snow Cake, Int'l Arthur

[September 21, 2006 8:05pm]
From comes an international poster for Snow Cake. [Thanks to Jon for the heads up.] Also, from comes two Portugese posters for Arthur and the Invisibles / Minimoys.

French 007

[September 20, 2006 9:05pm]
From comes a French poster for Casino Royale. [Thanks to Jason for the heads up.]

The Departed, French Scoop

[September 20, 2006 2:55pm]
From comes four new posters for The Departed. Far superior to the earlier character posters where the faces were half hidden within the title text. [Thanks to Luis, Eli, and Meg for the heads up] Also, thanks to Arnaud for passing along the French poster for Scoop from dvdrama.

The Good German

[September 20, 2006 1:45am]
Thanks to Nick for passing along the poster for Steven Soderbergh's The Good German from Moviefone.

Pan's Labyrinth

[September 19, 2006 1:15pm]
From Latino Review comes the latest poster for Pan's Labyrinth.

Tenacious D in 'The Pick of Destiny'

[September 18, 2006 10:15pm]
From the official site comes the poster for Tenacious D in 'The Pick of Destiny'. Surely the only poster to ever proclaim its film to be "The greatest motion picture of all time". [Thanks to Nick and Luis for the heads up.]

Let's Go To Prison

[September 18, 2006 10:15pm]
From Mike Markus comes the new poster for Let's Go To Prison which was obviously inspired by Fight Club.

Man of the Year

[September 17, 2006 7:35pm]
Thanks to Jason for passing along a low-res shot of the poster for Man of the Year from eBay.

Good Night, Int'l Flags, Golden Door

[September 17, 2006 2:15pm]
Thanks to Matt for passing along the poster for The Good Night. Also, from Cinema Com Rapadura comes the Brazilian poster for Flags of our Fathers. Finally, thanks to Luis for passing along the poster for The Golden Door.

Breaking and Entering

[September 14, 2006 9:45pm]
From IONCINEMA comes a high res photo of the poster for Anthony Minghella's latest, Breaking and Entering which they snapped at the Toronto Film Festival.

Casino Royale

[September 14, 2006 9:45pm]
From IGN FilmForce comes the brand new one sheet for Casino Royale. [Thanks to Jason for the heads up.] After the initial "controversy" of casting Daniel Craig as the new Bond it is nice to see that the marketing for the film is focusing on him and not hiding him in amongst fast cars, explosions, and Bond girls.

Shortbus, So Much So Fast

[September 14, 2006 5:45pm]
Just in case you did not guess from the first poster that the film Shortbus is all about sex (could've just been an innocent pyjama party) the second poster (from the official site) makes it a little more obvious. Or maybe not, if you look at that image and see the silhouette of a dress or Pac-Man or something. Chances are that this poster will not make it to the multiplexes. Also, from we have the one sheet for the documentary So Much So Fast. [Thanks to Luis for sending both posters along.]

Catch a Fire, Trailer Park Boys

[September 14, 2006 12:15pm]
From comes the poster for Catch a Fire as well as a new advance for Trailer Park Boys. [Thanks to big_red737 for the heads up.]

Away from Her

[September 14, 2006 1:05am]
Thanks to IONCINEMA for passing along the poster for Away from Her which just premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.

Shortbus, Shadowboxer

[September 13, 2006 2:25pm]
From comes the great one sheet for Shortbus. Where else have you seen that many genuinely happy faces on one poster? [Thanks to Chris for the heads up.] Also, we have an international poster for Shadowboxer.

Open Season Character Posters

[September 13, 2006 2:15pm]
From Latino Review comes six character posters for Open Season featuring some really bad puns. Our favorite of the bunch is probably the "Ducks of Hazard", although those rabbits with attitude are kind of funny as well.

Fur, Int'l Last Kiss

[September 12, 2006 1:55pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the one sheet for Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus [from cinempire] as well as the French poster for The Last Kiss.

Fast Food Nation, The Italian

[September 11, 2006 11:25pm]
From Fox Searchlight comes the new poster for Fast Food Nation. Also, from IONCINEMA comes the poster for The Italian.

Departed, Science of Sleep, Colin Fitz, Wild Tigers

[September 10, 2006 8:05pm]
From IGN FilmForce comes a new poster for The Departed. I wasn't really fond of the earlier "faces in the title" posters so this one is a bit of an improvement, but it still just seems to be about showing off the big stars and nothing else. I do like the wrinkled and creased edges though. Also, from comes the Belgian one sheet for The Science of Sleep. From comes the poster for Colin Fitz Lives! - a film that hit film festivals back in 1997 but is finally getting a theatrical release. [Thanks to Luis for the heads up on these posters.] Finally, thanks to IONCINEMA for passing along a poster for Wild Tigers I Have Known.

Swedish Open Season

[September 9, 2006 1:35am]
From comes the rather hilarious Swedish poster for Open Season or "Boog & Elliot: Wild Friends" as it is apparently titled in Sweden.

The Namesake, Home of the Giants

[September 9, 2006 1:35am]
From Fox Searchlight comes a high res image of the poster for The Namesake. A very beautiful design. Also we have an advance poster for the upcoming Haley Joel Osment film Home of the Giants.

Behind the Mask, Sharkwater

[September 8, 2006 7:15pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the very creepy poster for Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Also thanks to Luis and Michael for passing along the one sheet for Sharkwater.

Int'l Guardian, DOA

[September 6, 2006 10:25pm]
From comes a Norwegian poster for The Guardian which incorporates elements of several other posters. [Thanks to Jon for the heads up.] Also, from CineCine comes a Korean poster for DOA: Dead or Alive.

Tucker Must Die, Zerophilia, Wizard of Gore

[September 5, 2006 1:15pm]
From movieXclusive comes a small look at the latest poster for John Tucker Must Die. [Thanks to Ethan for the heads up.] Pretty bland compared to the eye-catching first poster. Has more of the feel of what we should get for the video release. Speaking of eye-catching, from WorstPreviews comes the poster for Zerophilia which is bound to turn a few heads. Next, from 'kinky queen', we have the poster for Wizard of Gore.

Comeback, Death Defying Acts, Moon and the Stars

[September 5, 2006 1:15pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along a number of small poster images from Myriad Pictures including Comeback Season, Death Defying Acts, and The Moon and the Stars.

Let's Go To Prison, Darshan: The Embrace

[September 4, 2006 8:25pm]
From Apple Movie Trailers comes small posters for Let's Go to Prison and Darshan: The Embrace.

Marie Antoinette, Int'l Flyboys, Saint of 9/11

[September 3, 2006 8:05pm]
From realmovienews comes the new US one sheet for Marie Antoinette. Also, we have the Turkish poster for Flyboys. Finally, from comes the poster for Saint of 9/11. [Thanks to Luis for sending along the various posters.]


[September 2, 2006 11:55pm]
From comes the latest poster for Borat. This is basically the same design as the original but does have credits and a tag line.

Flushed Away, Conversations With God

[September 1 2006 3:55pm]
From comes the international advance poster for Flushed Away. [Thanks to big_red737 for the heads up.] Also, from Apple Movie Trailers comes a small poster for Conversations With God. The poster boasts that it is "a film that will change your life". Do they offer a money back guarantee?

The Guardian Banners

[September 1 2006 2:55am]
From LatinoReview come two character banners for The Guardian. Fairly straightforward, though showing only half of their faces is a nice touch.