Movie Poster Tagline Database

Search or browse our collection of 21,087 taglines for 13,650 films including almost every film going back to 2009.

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"Everyone thought their glory days were over. Everyone thought wrong." - The Hot Flashes (2013)

"Everyone thought they were crazy, until they proved everyone wrong." - Decoding Annie Parker (2014)

"Everyone wants a cut." - All the Money in the World (2017)

"Everyone wants a happy ending." - Date Movie (2006)

"Everyone wants a piece of his action." - In the Mix (2005)

"Everyone wants one" - +1 (2013)

"Everyone wants the last word" - Spellbound (2003)

"Everyone wants the truth... until they find it." - Gone Baby Gone (2007)

"Everyone wants to be found." - Lost in Translation (2003)

"Everyone wants to be loved. Just not this much." - Smother (2008)

"Everyone wants to be one" - Slackers (2002)

"Everyone wants to find it." - Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)

"Everyone you trust has the power to betray you." - Keep Your Distance (2005)

"Everyone'e dreamgirl. One girl's nightmare." - A Girl Like Her (2015)

"Everyone's after something" - Takers (2010)

"Everyone's driven by something" - Rush (2013)

"Everyone's driven by something." - Rush (2013)

"Everyone's getting smoked" - American Ultra (2015)

"Everyone's getting smoked!" - Red Devil (2019)

"Everyone's got a blind spot" - Beautiful Darkness (2018)

"Everyone's got an opinion." - Untitled (2009)

"Everyone's got demons. Hers fight back." - Wynonna Earp (tv)

"Everyone's gotta have..." - American Dreamz (2006)

"Everyone's guilty of something" - Mea Culpa (2024)

"Everyone's invited!" - Night Club (2011)

"Everyone's running from something" - Man Running (2018)

"Everyone's searching for a better connection." - Men, Women & Children (2014)

"everything begins somewhere" - Dandelion (2005)

"Everything changed in the wink of an eye." - Just My Luck (2006)

"Everything comes full circle." - O (2001)

"Everything comes full circle." - 360 (2012)

"Everything comes full circle... Trust. Seduction. Betrayal." - O (2001)

"Everything comes out in the blues." - Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)

"Everything comes to life" - Night at the Museum (2006)

"Everything decays" - Relic (2020)

"Everything else was just practice!" - Yu-Gi-Oh! (2004)

"Everything has a breaking point" - Atlas Shrugged: Part II (2012)

"Everything has a price" - The Claim (2000)

"Everything he draws is about to get real" - Harold and the Purple Crayon (2024)

"Everything he loves is about to be used against him." - Firewall (2006)

"Everything he needed to know about life, she learned in prison." - Bringing Down the House (2003)

"Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power." - Test Pattern (2021)

"Everything in this story is a lie... trust us." - The Conspiracy (2013)

"Everything interesting begins in the mind." - Basic Instinct 2 (2006)

"Everything is about survival" - Beyond The Woods (2020)

"Everything is about to become very clear." - Focus (2001)

"Everything is about to change." - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

"Everything is connected" - Syriana (2005)

"Everything is connected" - Cloud Atlas (2012)

"Everything is hotter down south" - Black Snake Moan (2007)

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