Movie Poster Tagline Database

Search or browse our collection of 21,100 taglines for 13,662 films including almost every film going back to 2009.

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"Sometimes the greatest act of courage is to tell the truth." - The Ground Truth (2006)

"Sometimes the greatest act of love is letting go." - Stacking (1987)

"Sometimes the greatest adventure is the journey home" - The Penguin King 3D (2012)

"Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people" - The Painted Veil (2006)

"Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people" - Walking Out (2017)

"Sometimes the hardest thing to see is the truth." - Alice, Darling (2023)

"Sometimes the hustle needs a remix." - Polish Bar (2012)

"Sometimes the journey of becoming a family can be as difficult as going to the moon." - Pontiac Moon (1994)

"Sometimes the last person on Earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without." - Pride & Prejudice (2005)

"Sometimes the line between right and wrong is paperthin" - Paperthin (2012)

"Sometimes the longest journey is the one that leads you home." - Angel's Perch (2013)

"Sometimes the most daring step to freedom is out the front door." - The Run Of The Country (1995)

"Sometimes the most patriotic thing a Marine can do... is disobey orders. From most honored to Most Wanted." - Most Wanted (1997)

"Sometimes the most terrifying discovery is who you really are." - Thelma (2017)

"Sometimes the most vicious animal in the jungle is man." - Tusks (1990)

"Sometimes the mysteries of your past find a way into your future." - Till Human Voices Wake Us (2003)

"Sometimes the only friend you have... is your enemy." - Zaytoun (2013)

"Sometimes the only way home is through hell....." - Dallas 362 (2003)

"Sometimes the only way to find where you're going is to lose your way." - Leaving Normal (1992)

"Sometimes the only way to find yourself... ... is to lose yourself in someone else's life." - Tara Road (2006)

"Sometimes the only way to get past family drama... is to jump right over it." - Jumping the Broom (2011)

"Sometimes the only way to move forward is to go back." - A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)

"Sometimes the only way to self-improve is to self-destruct" - Harmontown (2014)

"Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy." - Girl, Interrupted (1999)

"Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you" - Sarah Landon and the Paranormal Hour (2007)

"Sometimes the people we can't live with become the people we can't live without." - Shimmer (2005)

"Sometimes the reunion is harder than the goodbye." - Farewell Amor (2020)

"Sometimes the right love comes at the wrong time." - Sylvie's Love (tv)

"Sometimes the simplest idea can make the biggest difference." - Pay it Forward (2000)

"Sometimes the smartest people have the most to learn." - Smart People (2008)

"Sometimes the things we can't change... end up changing us." - The Air I Breathe (2008)

"Sometimes the things we fight about are what bring us closest together" - My Brother Is an Only Child (2008)

"Sometimes the truth is best left buried" - In the Valley of Elah (2007)

"Sometimes the wrong choices lead us to the right places" - Jean (2016)

"Sometimes the wrong side of the law is the right place to be." - American Outlaws (2001)

"Sometimes they stay. Sometimes they go." - Jackie & Ryan (2015)

"Sometimes things fall apart so others can fall together." - Finding Joy (2013)

"Sometimes those with nothing have the most to lose." - Samba (2014)

"Sometimes to get more out of life, you have to make more of yourself. Better living through cloning." - Multiplicity (1996)

"Sometimes to keep the magic, you need to learn a few tricks." - Hope Springs (2012)

"Sometimes to live, you first have to die..." - The Last Road (2012)

"Sometimes to move forward you have to look back" - Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of (2015)

"Sometimes to win, you have to change the game." - Million Dollar Arm (2014)

"Sometimes true love is right under your nose" - Penelope (2008)

"Sometimes true love is right under your nose." - Penelope (2008)

"Sometimes two heads are simply more than one. They're headed for the big time... face first." - Ready to Rumble (2000)

"Sometimes we all need a little help" - How to Be (2009)

"Sometimes we don't journey down the same path." - Old Joy (2006)

"Sometimes we find hope where we least expect it" - A Good Person (2023)

"Sometimes we have to fall down to grow up" - Measure of a Man (2018)

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